I am still living here in Mexico and doing very well. I had decided to take a break from the blogging world for two main easons: the first of which were some harassment issues that arose from someone who discovered my blog and secondly, I was super busy with my job and visitors.
The last 6 months have been a whirlwind. Here is the coles notes version of the last 6 months:
-I stumbled upon a wonderful job last fall and have been enjoying my work immensely.
-I went to Canada for a vacation last Christmas and visited my friend in Montreal and my brother and family in Ottawa..... and practically froze my ass off! Seriously, it was a wonderful visit but have since decided to limit visits to the great white north in summers or times where you nose doesn't feel as though it is going to fall off. Oh, and did I mention that I forgot how to walk on ice? OUCH!
-Returned from Canada and ended up with Dengue Fever and was seriously ill for a few weeks. For those of you who do not know, this is a virus transmitted by mosquitoes and I ended up bedridden for almost 12 days with over a 40 degree C temperature and crazy pain. I know understand why it is called "bone break fever". I would not wish it on anyone and can only remind everyone to use bug repellent or wear long pants at night. The only other thing I can say about it is that I would rather find another method to lose almost 15 pounds.
-I have been super lucky to have had friends and/or family visits each and every month this new year. It is definitely challenging having visitors in paradise when I am working but I managed to find time for everyone (just not as much as before). A big shout out to all my visitors this year - it was awesome to see you and thank you for coming down!
-my dad and Lorri came for a visit which was a huge bonus since I was not able to see them at Christmas
-my brother and his family came down for a completely unexpected and SURPRISE visit! How lucky am I??? My bro is the king of surprises and I had NO idea they were coming until he scared the living daylights out of me one afternoon.
-the animals have been doing great for the most part. One of my dogs was hit by a motorcycle while camping up in La Manzanilla but luckily managed to walk away with just some bruises and inflammation.
-I have 5 animals in the house at the moment as I am fostering a little kitty for one of my friends until we find a home for her.
-My roommate is doing great and still living with me. She also had Dengue Fever while I was in canada but has bounced back to her usual self.
-I have been having fun and dating and have lots of funny stories to share. But I will save that for another time.
So between work and all my visitors, I have not had much time for anything else. Life is good, I am enjoying my work, my friends and the beach.
I never tire of the sunsets here.