So, I am taking the plunge and moving to Mexico with my beagle. I had finally made the decision after much thought and consideration and was starting to tell people. I remember starting to test it out on people that did not know me very well, like my massage therapist and my hairdresser. I think I was testing the water……gauging reactions. But mostly, I think starting to say it loud, made it real for me.
Most of my friends and family thus far have been very supportive and thrilled for me. In fact, many of my friends were not surprised to hear that I was moving to Mexico as it had been a dream of mine to live there for several years and become fluent in the language. I think the thing that surprised people the most was that I had fallen in love….and better yet, with a Mexican man. *insert gasp here*.
In addition to the wonderfully supportive comments about my intended move to Mexico, predictably, I received some “not-so-supportive” reactions. I think the all-time best one was, and I quote, “You realize that Mexico is a 3rd world country, right???” And then there were those that did not even acknowledge or comment on the move at all. Perhaps they thought saying nothing was better than saying what they really wanted to say. Or maybe they thought I had gone temporarily insane and were hoping I would snap out of it? Who knows……..all, I knew was that I was excited, scared, anxious, and every other emotion one can possibly fathom. At the end of the day, I was really hoping people would support me and my decision, regardless of their own judgments.
Of course, I am scared, anxious and under no disillusion my life will be some happily ever after fairy tale. It is going to be a huge adjustment, I will dearly miss my friends and family and there are major cultural differences that I will have to deal with in both my day to day life and my relationship. All I know is that I have never felt like this before, life is short and I am going to follow my heart and go for it! I also know that I do not want to have regrets in my life. I want to enjoy every moment that this new adventure brings my way.